Network with the Best and Brightest in the Industry
ACRC provides a forum where primary and secondary producers of aluminum and light metals, equipment manufacturers, foundry suppliers and end users come together to discuss the research needed to establish the knowledge base, as well as the educational issues facing the industrial sector.
Members also benefit from tapping into the breadth of knowledge of the faculty, staff and students at UCI.
Current ACRC Members
ACRC members represent the full spectrum of organizations in support of the global foundry industry — primary producers, suppliers, end users, casters, system and component suppliers, service providers, trade associations and national laboratories.
“QuesTek receives tremendous benefit from our participation in ACRC. As a small business with limited internal R&D resources, the access to top-quality research through the students, faculty, and the projects is invaluable. The networking opportunities afforded by the biannual meetings have been fantastic, and have led to multiple commercial project opportunities for QuesTek. We look forward to continuing our relationship with ACRC and to building new partnerships in the years to come.”

Jason Sebastian
Primary/Secondary Producers
End Users
Associations/Natl Labs