At the Advanced Casting Research Center (ACRC) we collaborate on research addressing the global foundry and digital manufacturing industry. We bring fundamental understanding to existing processes, develop new methods, develop new alloys, and address management-technology interface issues with our industrial partners.
Members benefit by:
- having a voice in selecting quality research projects that help them solve today’s business challenges;
- leading-edge research in solidification processing, light metals, nonferrous and ferrous alloys, semisolid processing, additive manufacturing;
- networking globally with the best minds in the industry; and
- technical expertise and access to talent
As a member your company/organization …
- submits and votes annually on research projects;
- networks with global industry leaders;
- has royalty-free IP rights to pre-competitive research;
- may opt to sponsor company-proprietary research;
- has access to findings from large-scale projects funded by the U.S. government or foundation grants;
- may recruit top talent from various engineering disciplines;
- has access to all (past and current) ACRC technical reports;
- has access to all ACRC-related research projects;
- has access to characterization facilities and resources at UCI (IMRI; IDMI; etc.); and
- can sponsor student projects (senior thesis) and industrial internships

ACRC provides the global foundry industry with bright new talent, well versed in the very latest methods and technologies. Learn how internships can benefit your business.