“As students going through engineering school, we were always looking for great projects. As business owners trying to solve our customers’ problems, we are always seeking solutions. The ACRC does an incredible job bridging these two spheres. Our membership has paid for itself many times over.”

Bob Logan
Palmer Foundry
Bob Logan

“Being a member of MPI and ACRC is not only prestigious, it’s personal. It serves as the perfect intersection of “university to industry”, allowing me to dream with the curiosity and open mindedness of a student, while staying grounded with experience and wisdom. In Hinduism, there are four stages of life: Brahmacharya (student), Grihastha (householder), Vanaprastha (retired), and Sannyasa (renunciation). I feel like I have come full circle – learning (Brahmacharya), earning (Grihastha), and now reflecting (toggling between the first three stages with the students and peers at MPI/ACRC). This reflection has turned my experience into insight. If there is one thing I have learned along the path of “life”, it is that while we may strive for mastery, mastery is not a destination but a journey; and we, the eternal students, are the protagonists on this path.”

Vijay Alreja
VJ Group
Vijay Alreja

“QuesTek receives tremendous benefit from our participation in ACRC. As a small business with limited internal R&D resources, the access to top-quality research through the students, the WPI faculty, and the projects is invaluable. The networking opportunities afforded by the biannual meetings have been fantastic, and have led to multiple commercial project opportunities for QuesTek. We look forward to continuing our relationship with ACRC and to building new partnerships in the years to come.”

Jason Sebastian

Jason Sebastian

Aenean diam purus finibus lectus – uthendrerit ante sed turpis interdum consequat. Proin eleifend nulla! In molestie nibh at ipsum maximus, tristique congue lacus ultrices. Pellentesque non risus urna. Curabitur hendrerit convallis euismod.

Gregor BlackwodInvestor

Nam id libero quis metus tincidunt aliquet. In molestie nibh at ipsum maximus, tristique congue lacus ultrices. Pellentesque non risus urna. Curabitur hendrerit convallis euismod.

Anna WhiteInvestor

Mauris rhoncus est eget efficitur consequat. Praesent tempus suscipit ante, eu egestas orci porttitor interdum. Integer luctus, leo porta lacinia convallis, diam purus finibus lectus, ut rutrum quam velit id orci. Aenean hendrerit ante sed turpis interdum consequat. Proin eleifend nulla!

Tiffany WhiteBusiness Owner

Fusce varius vitae elit vitae consequat. Ut imperdiet ex sed quam ultrices accumsan. Maecenas nec nulla dapibus, mollis nisi id, fringilla orci. Proin tincidunt venenatis massa, eget laoreet enim bibendum malesuada.

Matt MondHotel Owner

Magnum sit amet magna nulla. Sed tempor varius fringilla. Fusce varius vitae elit vitae consequat. Ut imperdiet ex sed quam ultrices accumsan. Maecenas nec nulla dapibus, mollis nisi id, fringilla orci.

Charles DugCondo Owner

Nam id libero quis metus tincidunt aliquet. In molestie nibh at ipsum maximus, tristique congue lacus ultrices. Pellentesque non risus urna. Curabitur hendrerit convallis euismod.

George GreenHotel Owner

Fusce varius vitae elit vitae consequat. Ut imperdiet ex sed quam ultrices accumsan. Maecenas nec nulla dapibus, mollis nisi id, fringilla orci.

Alex FreemanConstruction Specialist